2025 Rocaberti Writers' Retreat Scholarship
MAGE author Sharon Ede has been awarded a part-scholarship for the
Rocaberti Writer's Retreat in May 2025 in Spain.
2020 Nautilus Book Awards: Silver Award
Fiction: Self Published and Small Press
MAGE was a Silver Award winner in the 2020 Nautilus Book Awards, in the category of Fiction: Self Published & Small Press.
The Nautilus Book Awards were established over twenty years ago, and seek to highlight exceptional literary contributions to books which relate to themes including green values & sustainability, responsible leadership, positive social change & social justice, as well art, creativity and inspirational reading for children, teens and young adults.2021 Next Generation Indie Book Awards: Finalist
General Fiction/Novel (Under 80,000 Words)
MAGE was chosen as a Finalist in the 2021 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the largest international awards program for independent publishers and self-published authors.
from verified buyers and readers
'A delightful easy read with a deep message about developing an understanding of the need to reflect on the way we conceive ourselves in relation to this planet and the way we treat it. We need to put our planet as our number one concern and I hope novels of this nature will be agents of change.'
'Anyone who can slip Jevon’s Paradox into a young adult novel deserves to be read in high schools across the world. So many fantastic and creative ideas in there...like reading a Masters of Environment course in a novel.'
'I loved how the author integrated the human world and world events with the fantasy part of the story. I’m someone that even with a fiction book I like to Google words that spark my interest. The book aligns with my belief that we are causing our planet to become endangered, and at certain times in the book I wished certain elements of the story were true! With what's happening around the world in 2020 it felt even more poignant!'
'What a skillful weaving of so much information into an excellent, suspense -filled heart touching story... I think it would make a really great film in expert hands... would love to see that happen...'
'Tantalisingly clever - so many layers.'
'A rollicking good yarn somewhere between fantasy and sci-fi, fully informed by the potential futures unfolding in these times.'
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