MAGE Screenplay
MAGE has been adapted for screen and is currently hosted on The Black List
Independent evaluators have offered constructive criticism on length and characterisation, and the following perspectives with respect to the story's strengths, prospects and potential as a film (this feedback has been edited to omit plot spoilers).
MAGE is a first novel and first screenplay adaptation by the author.
Blcklst Evaluation #1:
'Mission Assurance Gaia Experiment is an ambitious and cinematic sci-fi fantasy adventure that dazzles on a visceral level. The budget would be at a blockbuster level, but the results could be as well. The topical relevance of the themes here is clear and thought-provoking, with an epic scale. The script not only explores the important issue of climate change, but goes even deeper into human consciousness. It can be somber, but the script allows for the possibility of hope as well, and that is important. Right from the beginning, the script is filled with numerous breathtaking imagery and visceral thrills. It's easy to see the cinematic potential here, with a global scale and a scope that attempts to encompass the human experience itself. The script does a lot of world-building, and it is easy to imagine sequels and prequels coming out of this franchise.'
Blcklst Evaluation #2:
'The script is extremely vivid and visual, painting a detailed picture of what the film is supposed to look and feel like. The writer is fantastic with world-building and creates an engaging setting that transports the reader to this oceanic world. Necro is also a great antagonist, and sets the stakes for the film, creating tension and suspense in every scene that he’s in. The social significance in this script gives it a much-needed timeliness as well and makes an interesting statement about how humans are treating the planet and how much will need to change for Earth to have a sustainable future. On top of that, the writer is also great with action, and many of the set pieces and sequences feel high-octane, riveting and suspenseful, which also helps bring out the impressive nature and uniqueness of the characters, specifically in the climactic final sequence. Finally, Ambra being the protagonist of the story is a great way of easing the reader into this world, considering that many of her questions and concerns would be similar to the ones that the average reader would have. The stakes that come with her human life regarding her family help ground the story as well and make sure the plot doesn’t feel too fantastical.'
Blcklst Evaluation #3:
'The script is incredibly creative and does a great job showing off the writer's unique voice. The writer has taken the classic Atlantis myth and found a way to combine it with climate change and natural disasters, making the setting feel wholly original.
Similar to HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE meets AQUAMAN, MISSION ASSURANCE GAIA EXPERIMENT is a sci-fi/fantasy adventure project with strong environmentalist themes and a brilliantly creative world. Sci-fi/fantasy fans might enjoy the script's excellent setting and some of its technological speculation, whereas a wider audience could be interested in some of the script's compelling environmental themes. The budget may be the script's biggest hurdle to reaching production. The script has many large set pieces that would require heavy special effects, which could raise the budget to a high or even blockbuster level. The script's expensive price tag could make it challenging to convince investors to take a chance on a spec script like MISSION ASSURANCE GAIA EXPERIMENT. If this becomes an issue, it may be necessary to rewrite some of the script's bigger set pieces with a smaller budget in mind.'
Blcklst Evaluation #4:
'MISSION ASSURANCE GAIA EXPERIMENT's greatest strength is its dense and colorful world-building. The script features a number of great concepts both large and small. Establishing that the film's secret undersea kingdoms are known political entities in regular contact with surface groups helps differentiate them from past depictions of Atlantean civilizations, and the script finds sensible, compelling reasons for Onda to ally with environmentalists and Nautila to side with climate deniers. The idea of a game that changes how people view the world is great hook, and the virtual-reality angle allows for colorful, interesting set-pieces. The script's eventual message that doomsday warnings aren't enough to change humanity, that people need a positive alternative to hope for and work towards, is a solid thematic core for this story that has the potential to unite its environmental theming with its character arcs.
MISSION ASSURANCE GAIA EXPERIMENT has clear ambitions to be an international blockbuster. It certainly has potential in that regard thanks to its bold, memorable sci-fi elements, crowd-pleasing environmentalist themes, globe-trotting plot, and multi-national cast. One obstacle the project would face is cost--while the international plot could allow for various co-production deals that would soften financial risk on the part of studios and investors, the film's huge special effects requirements demand a budget that fully original scripts aren't often trusted with. A-list star casting could help the film overcome this, which means, along with strengthening their arcs, the writer may want to consider making the Lightstone family's background flexible to widen the usable pool of A-list global stars.'
The Golden Script (2024)
'Among the first things to notice is the erudite concept that's been translated onto the pages in detail. In other words, the writer has created such a resourceful and inspiring lore that has laid the foundation for the development of various ideas, meanings, and purposes. As a result, we catch ourselves discovering new things with each next reading session, knowing that there's something hidden between the lines and under the layers.
With all that being said, it's safe to state that the concept is the script's unique selling point.
Mission Assurance Gaia Experiment has a substantial production value
acknowledged in the various strengths, qualities and the concept’s potential, even though the script could go through a couple more revisions to justify the budgeting,'
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